Thursday, January 27, 2011


If any of you have been in my shoes, well I am sure you have, let me just say the insight I have recieved from this book and the wonderful insight of my mom in getting this book for me. Two years ago when my son was born I found my self worrying about his future. I kept thinking what if he is not smart... what if he fails at school... what if.... what if... I was becoming overrun with what if's. I confided in my mom and she found this book and got it for me.
I actually have not read the entire book. I am working on reading it in my spare time. I do have to say that I have very much enjoyed what I have read. This book offers great insight, especially if you are worried about a certain child. If you are fleeding because your mind is being bamboozled with what if's, try looking through this book.


Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

I needed this post-I am going to see if they have this at the library-thanks aimees

Nat said...

What a sweet Mom! I need to go get it.