The folling is a tutorial on how to add this cute addition to your sewing room. First you need to find the size of can you want. I used the can chicken that you get from Costco. You also need to pick out what fabrics you want. And if you would like flower you need to get that to. I found this flower set in the scrapbooking department.

First you measure the depth of you can, and cut a piece of fabric that is 3/4 of an inch to an inch longer then the depth of the can. Then you glue it on to the can. I used elmers spray adhesive glue. I also used hot glue. Go around your can be sure to cut your fabric longer so that you can fold the one end and have a nice finsh.

Then spray your bottom and pull the fabric in a circle so that you have a nice even edge on the bottom.

Next cut a circle that is about 1/4 of an inch smaller all the way around, and cover with fabric. Cut it bigger so you can fold the fabric over to have a nice finshed edge.

Then glue it to the bottom of your can.

Next take your fabric for your top and cut it two inches bigger than the diameter of your can. Sew around the circle. Make sure you stitch is the biggest stitch so you can gather it. Gather it and tie it off. Then stuff it. You can stuff it with anything, but I think that stuffing works the best. At this point I would sew on your flower if you got one. I also put a button in the middle of my flower. Then I would glue a little stuffing in the bottom of your can. Next you put hot glue around the edge of the can. Put your topper in and hold until it is dry or cool.

Next, you can add a little bling. I used rinestone beading. You could also use any type of ribbon or fabric.
SO Cute!
Great Job!
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