Monday, December 13, 2010

Travel Bags

We are making a 14 hour trek this Christmas, so I thought I would make bags for the kids for the trip.  I know they won't probably last longer then this trip so I didn't spend a lot of time on them, but they will do!
I used some fleece i had leftover so i wouldn't have to worry about hemming.  I cut two piece the same size. I didn't measure i just cut it the size I thought would work.
I sewed a pocket on the front to hold little stuff and crayons. 

 Then with right sides together I sewed three sides and then turned it right side out.  I thought mine looked a little to long, so I just made a big cuff at the top. 

 My plan was to hook it on to the back of the seats in the van.  Our headrests come off so I didn't need a very long handle.  If your headrest doesn't come off, I would suggest making ties instead of a handle. Sew the handle/ties to the back of the bag.

This will be perfect for them to keep track of their goodies that they will be getting along the way!

1 comment:

Nat said...

That is a perfect bag.